
Join us tomorrow as our Church Family gathers to Worship Christ! During our 10:15 AM service there will be Believers Baptism, music & a message on the life & ministry of Elijah from 1Kings 19. There will also be Sun School at 9:00 AM, Choir practice at 5:00 PM & the Evening Service at 6:00 PM. Chris Gardner, our new youth director, will be preaching tomorrow evening.


Please pray for the following on the CLBC prayer list: Pat Johnson (surgery this Tues), Emma Craigo, Ann Neidlinger, Nancy Young & others listed in the bulletin Also keep Naomi Wertz fiance in your prayers as he is being hospitalized in Huntington. Pray for God’s power & blessing as His Church gathers tomorrow!

May the Lord Bless us as we gather in His Name!!!