Summer Wednesday Events
Tonight we begin our Summer Wed Evening program at 7:00. Kid’s Quest & Youth Group will meet in Fellowship Hall for a night Fun & Christian growth. The Adults will gather in the auditorium to begin a 5 week DVD Series from Focus on the Family entitled: Israel’s Mission. In this video, hosted by renowned teacher & historian Ray Vander Laan, we will examine the mission God gave the Children of Israel in the Bible & learn how this mission can give our lives greater meaning than you ever imagined. Nurseries will be provided.
Upcoming Events
Teens will go to Kings Island on Thursday, June 16th. Last day to sign up for the trip is this Sunday.
ABC Ladies Retreat will be on Friday, June 17th. Signup sheets posted on bulletin boards
Prayer Requests
Missions – JD Crowley’s (Cambodia) father is very ill with cancer & they are seeking to complete the printing of a commentary on Romans into Burmese. Bill & Tamra Branks (Detroit) have started a Bible study as a means to planting a new Church. Cletis & Tammy Titus (Jamaica) are getting ready for Summer Ministry teams. Kay Ghareeb will be going to minister with them for a week this Summer. Walt & Linda Robinson (Carriacou) for Walt’s health & effective ministry. A missions team lead by Gary & Pat Johnson will go to Kenya in July.
Please pray for these folks with physical needs: Debbie Barker (Knee surgery), Renee Bennett (knee surgery), Allison Efaw (cancer), Rion Foster (cancer), Janet Gondak (cancer), Joey Nichols (eyes), Becky Rice (eyes), Linda Smith (health), Casey stribling (health), Ann Neidlinger (health), Nancy Young (health) and other’s on the CLBC Pray bulletin.
Pray that the Lord will meet our needs in the General Fund & Missions Fund. Pray that the Lord will give the leadership of our ministry great wisdom for today & the future. Pray for the blessing & power of the Lord to be upon Cross Lanes Bible Church.
Embrace the Cross in 2016