This Sunday

Labor day marks the unofficial end of Summer. It is a weekend when people relax & get ready for an often busier Fall season. This Sunday at Cross Lanes Bible Church we will be changing the schedule slightly, but we will still be gathering to worship the Lord & serve Him together. Sun School will be held at 9:00 AM for the entire family. During the Worship Service at 10:15 AM we will be finishing our Summer long study of the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. Due to the holiday weekend we will not have an Evening Service or Choir rehearsal this Sunday.


Prayer Requests

Please pray for Eddie Riley who will be having surgery next Tuesday to remove a Kidney Stone which is stuck. Pray for others with health concerns including Ruth Baily (health), Debbie Barker (knee), Renee Bennett (upcoming surgery), Beth Buckley (stroke), Allison Efaw (cancer), Donna Legg (cancer), Becky Rice (eyes), Linda Smith (health), Janice Tyler (upcoming surgery), Ann Neidlinger (health), Nancy Young (health) and others listed in the prayer bulletin. Please continue to pray for full healing for my eyes.

Pray for the family of Loretta Davis. She was a faithful missionary for many years who went home to Heaven last week. Her funeral will be Sunday at 2:00 PM at Eleanor Baptist Church.


Powerful DVD

Next Wednesday Evening at 7:00 PM the adults will be viewing a powerful video. THE BURNHAM STORY is about Martin & Gracia Burnham, missionaries in the Philippines, Who were held as hostages for 375 days by Terrorists. Although suffering great hardships & even the death of her husband, Gracia never stopped trusting God. Come out & see this amazing story on Wed, September 7th at 7:00 PM.


Embrace the Cross in 2016