Victory Offering

Tomorrow is the last day of July & also the last day of our Fiscal year at Cross Lanes Bible Church. We are very close to hitting our yearly budgeted goal of $260,000 in our General Fund. Let’s all pray & come prepared to give a little extra so we can go over the top. What an encouragement & blessing that would be to our entire Church. By God’s grace let’s truly make tomorrows offering a “Victory Offering!”


Sunday Services

**Sunday School & Adult Fellowships at 9:00 AM.

**WORSHIP is at 10:15 AM. We will continue our study of the Beatitudes from Matthew 5.

**Evening Service is at 6:00 PM. We will be observing the Lord’s Supper.

**Summer Choir practice is at 7:15 PM.


Next Week

Wed – The Academy of Arts will be presenting a Drama entitled : “Dare to Stand.” This excellent Christian Drama will begin at 7:00 PM. Bring the entire family.

Thur – Everyone is welcomed to attend the Cincinnati Red’s Baseball game. The cost is $35 & includes ticket, breakfast & transportation.



Please pray for Eleanor Nickell’s family. Her brother-in-law, Dennis Evans passed away recently. Pray for the following with physical needs: Debbie Barker (knee), Beth Buckley (stroke), John Cale, Jr (surgery), Allison Efaw (cancer), Janet Gondak (cancer), Mae harless (health), Holly Kehlenbeck (heart), Donna Legg (cancer), Becky Rice (eyes), Ann Neidlinger (health), Nancy Young (health) and the others listed in the Prayer Bulletin. I would also appreciate continued prayer for complete healing for my eyes. Pray for the USA & especially our Presidential election in November.


We can never out Give God!!!