A New Grandchild
It is with incredible Joy that Jeanne & I announce the arrival of our newest granddaughter, Lily Kate Kehlenbeck. She is the daughter of Holly & John Mark. Her proud big sister is Addy Grace. Lily arrived yesterday afternoon in Dallas, Texas. We are so thankful for all who prayed for Holly during her pregnancy. Mom made it thru delivery safely & baby is healthy & strong. God is good! I can’t wait to join Jeanne in Dallas soon to meet this precious gift from the Lord!
Sunday Services
I will continue preaching thru Acts tomorrow morning during our 10:15 Worship service. Missionary Joe Stinson will speak at the Evening Service at 6:00. Sun School is at 9:00 AM
There are many people on our Church Prayer list. A few to remember are Tim Appleton, Pat Johnson, John Jones & Ann Neidlinger. You can find an extended list in your bulletin tomorrow.