New Bible Teaching Series Wed Night

Tomorrow evening we will begin a new Bible teaching series at 7:00 PM for all adults in the auditorium. The title is “Majoring on the Minors.” Join us as we study the 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament. These often neglected books can be a source of edification & blessing to us as we serve God in the 21st century. AWANA will meet in Fellowship Hall at 6:45 PM.


Upcoming Events

**Fri, Sept 7th – Baby Shower for Mom’s with special financial & spiritual needs (outreach)

**Sunday, Sept 9th – Baby Dedication during Worship Service (10:15 AM)

**Monday, Sept 10th – Ladies Evening Bible Study begins.

**Sunday, Oct 7th – Dr Steve Pettit & musical group from BJU (6:00 PM)


Prayer Requests

Begin to Pray now for the “FRESH GROWTH CONFERENCE” with Ben Everson & family which will be held OCT 20-24. FRIEND DAY 2018 will be held that Sunday (Oct 21st).

Pray for those with medical needs including Darrell Ballard (cancer), Ken Jenkins (cancer), Dave Romanko (eyes),Natalie Salmon (stomach issues), Ann Neidlinger (eye & health issues) and others listed in the Prayer Bulletin.