Worship & Serve

Tomorrow we will continue to emphasize our theme for the year – Make Disciples in 2015 – with a message from Acts 14 in the Morning Worship Service at 10:15. We will focus upon the model of Discipleship that Paul & Barnabas displayed on their 1st missionary journey. Communion will be observed during the 6:00 Evening service. Also, bring the entire family to Sun School at 9:00 AM. Choir practice will be held at 5:00 PM. There are many opportunities for individuals & families to worship & serve every Sunday at Cross Lanes Bible Church!


Continue to Pray for God’s blessings upon our Church in this New Year. Pray for those with physical needs like Tim Appleton, R J Hollifield, Eli Klennert, Ann Neidlinger, Eddie Riley, Casey Stribling & others listed in the Bulletin.


Everyone is invited to a Pasta Luncheon next Sunday, Feb 1st, at 11:30 AM. This event is sponsored by our Deacons & wives. Come & enjoy delicious food & wonderful fellowship!

See you tomorrow at CLBC!