The Supreme Court Ruling
Yesterday 5 unelected judges ignored the Constitution & made an infamous ruling that will impact our entire nation. After hearing of the Supreme Courts decision I posted the following on Facebook: “Today’s decision by the Supreme Court is a great disappointment to all Bible believing Christians. Let us remember,however, that man is not Sovereign – God is! The laws of our land may change – Our Lord doesn’t! The same God who ordained marriage as a sacred vow between one man & one woman (Gen 2:24, Eph 5:31) is “the same yesterday,today & forever.” (Heb 13:8). Let us not panic – but Pray! Let us not retreat – but be Revived! Let us share passionately the Gospel in a land that desperately needs Christ!” I will say more about this tomorrow morning in the Worship Service at Cross Lanes Bible Church.
Sunday Schedule
Sun School – 9:00 AM
Worship – 10:15 AM
Evening Service (Communion) – 6:00 PM
Next Sunday
On Sunday July 5th we will only have one service at 10:15 AM. This will be a service honoring America, but also calling America back to God & His Holy Word. The service will be followed by a Church wide Picnic. Make plans to join us & invite others to a special day at CLBC.
Pray for America! We need to experience Revival in our Land! Pray for those who have physical needs: Tim Appleton (hospital), Pat Johnson, Wadiah Istfan, Ann Neidlinger, Charlotte Witt (hospital) & other’s listed in the prayer bulletin. Pray that our light will shine brightly as God’s people in a dark world.