Tonight at CLBC

This has been a wonderful month of Missions emphasis at CLBC. What a blessing to hear from Missionaries & learn more about Global Missions. Tonight we will conclude March 4 Missions with Gary & Pat Johnson (Kenya) and our very own Wood Workers 4 Missions team. The Missionaries will begin in Awana at 6:45 PM & then will speak in the Adult Service at 7:00 PM. Don’t miss the last event in our 2017 Missions Conference. The Deacons will be meeting together at 8:15 PM for our March Deacons meeting.


Upcoming Events

**Saturday at 6:00 PM – There will be a Pizza Party & Game night for our teens at the Church.

**Sunday at 10:15 AM – We will begin a new Preaching Series entitled: “The Road to the Resurrection” during the morning Worship Service. We will examine together The Promise, The Prayer, The Pain & The Praise of Jesus as we head toward Easter Sunday.



Please be in prayer for Chuck Klennert’s mother, Mary, who is very sick in Indiana. Please pray for those on our Church Prayer List including Mark Higginbothan (foot), Jim Mclane (knee), Debbie Barker, Betty Starcher, Ann Neidlinger, Nancy Young (health concerns) and others with special physical needs. Pray for those who serve our Nation, State & Community in Government. Pray for members of the Military.


Bow the Knee – Bless the Nations