March For Missions Concludes
This is the last weekend for MARCH FOR MISSIONS at CLBC. What a great month it has been! Make sure to join us tomorrow as we hear from Missionary Pink Davis & Missionary Bill Branks. Both will be taking part in all 3 services tomorrow at 9:00 AM, 10:15 AM & 6:00 PM. These men will also be speaking in Chapels on Monday at CLCS & their wives will be involved in the Ladies Brunch on Monday at 11:00 AM at Clark’s house.
PTL Jeshua Robinson has been found alive & safe. Please continue to pray for him & his family.
The Funeral for Okey Pickrell will be tomorrow at 2:00 PM at Cross Lanes Bible Church. Visitation is at Keller Funeral Home in Dunbar this evening from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Pray for the family.
Pray for Sue Forsbrey, Tim Appleton, Ann Niedlinger & others on our Prayer List.