
Praise the Lord for a wonderful weekend as we have continued our Missions emphasis during the month of March at CLBC! Cletis & Tammy Titus along with Mel & Jan Wingrove were a blessing to us. It was also good to have Rose Harrison & the Johnson’s with us for Sunday Services.It was wonderful to hear from these faithful servants of God.


This evening marks the end of March for Missions 2016 at CLBC. Gary & Pat Johnson (Kenya) will be ministering to the AWANA clubbers & teens at 6:45. They will then speak to the adults in the sanctuary at 7:00. Bonnie Leithman will be joining them as they give us a glimpse into their plans for the missions trip to Kenya this Summer. Even though March for Missions is over let’s continue to Pray, Give & GO into all the world proclaiming the Gospel!


The next two Sundays are special for Christians & will be special at CLBC. This Sunday, March 20th will be PALM SUNDAY.  I will be preaching a sermon about the Triumphal Entry of Jesus entitled – “Riding on a Donkey.” There will also be Communion Sunday evening.

On Sunday, March 27th we will celebrate together the most important day on the Christian calendar – EASTER! The day will begin with a Family Breakfast in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 AM, followed by our Easter Service at 10:15 AM. Plan now to join your Church Family at CLBC as we celebrate the RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ together!


Please continue to pray for Kim Newman & family as they mourn the death of John & as Kim finishes in Saudi Arabia & hopefully returns home soon. Pray for those with physical needs including Dan Berger, Tamra Branks, Landon Boggess, Ann Neidlinger, Becky Rice, Nancy Young & others listed in the Prayer Bulletin. Pray for our nation during this election season. Pray for God’s power & blessing upon Cross Lanes Bible Church & His weekly provision for this ministry.

Embrace the Cross in 2016