A Special Sunday

Memorial Day is a time to Honor those who have paid the ultimate price for our Freedom. It is also the unofficial start of Summer. At CLBC we have a special day planned for Memorial Day Sunday. At 9:00 AM there will be a combined Sunday School for all Adults in the Auditorium. Missionary Cletis Titus will be teaching the class. Then during the 10:15 AM Worship Service Rev Titus will be preaching, his wife Tammy will be singing & we will also take a few minutes to reflect on the meaning of Memorial Day. Following the service everyone is invited to Fellowship Hall for a Potluck Picnic. Please bring one main dish & one side dish to share. Drinks will be provided. Sunday will be a great day at CLBC! Be sure to join us.


Wed Evening

Tomorrow Evening there is much happening at CLBC. AWANA will be holding it’s final Club Meeting before Summer. Pastor Jon & the Youth Group will be going Bowling from 6:30 – 8:30. The Adults will be meeting at 7:00 PM for Bible Study & Prayer. Come & bring the entire family!



Please pray for those with physical needs – Ashley Boggess, Eli Klennert, Ann Neidlinger, Nancy Young (health concerns), Shirley Corbin (knee), Katie Cobb, Donna Legg, Rose Landers, Betsey Palmer (cancer), Karen Higginbotham (heart issues) & others listed in the Prayer Bulletin. Pray for America & our Troops stationed around the globe. Pray for our General Fund as we finish the Fiscal year July 31st.


Bow the Knee in 2017