Tonight at CLBC
AWANA will be holding a Christmas party & the Youth group will also be doing some special things tonight at 6:45 PM, The adults will meet in the auditorium at 7:00 PM to continue our study of the names of the Christmas Child in the Bible. Mid-week events will be cancelled the next two Wed Evenings with everything starting up again on Wed, Jan 6th, 2016.
This Sunday
Christmas Sunday will be very special at CLBC! Here is the schedule for Sun, December 20th:
**9:00 AM – Sunday School & Adult Bible Fellowships.
**10:15 AM – Our Christmas Worship Service will include a concert provided by our Adult Choir
entitled: “Jesus: Wonderful Child.” Don’t miss this wonderful presentation of beautiful
Christmas music, worship & adoration! The sermon will focus on the Christ Child whom
God the Father sent on Christmas Day to be the Saviour of the world. Be sure to invite
Family & Friends to this Christ centered service.
**6:00 PM – Our annual Christmas Candlelight Communion service will be held for the entire family.
We will be blessed thru the singing of carols, beautiful music & partaking of the Lord’s
Supper together. Several folks have told me that this is their favorite service of the year!
Union Mission Food Distribution
Please be in prayer & come out and serve the community this Saturday, Dec 19th. There will be a breakfast for all worker’s at 8:00 AM, followed by a Gospel preaching service at 9:00 AM, and then around 9:45 AM we will fill cars with food for Christmas. Your help will be appreciated & your life will be blessed as we partner with the Union Mission in helping the needy & in sharing the Love of Christ.
Prayer Requests
Please pray for Emogene Craigo who is at the Hospice Care Center at Thomas Hospital. Pray for her family also at this difficult time. Pray for Debbie Cumberledge who is having surgery on her finger today. Pray for the following who have physical needs: Ben Klennert (upcoming surgery), Ann Niedlinger (physical needs), Becky Rice (eyes), Nancy Young (physical needs) and others listed in your Prayer Bulletin.
Christmas Offering
I am happy to report that we are making good progress toward our goal of $20,000 toward worldwide missions. As of today we have received $15,235. Let’s continue to pray & give as we close out the month of December!