
It’s always great to gather with God’s people on a Summer Wednesday evening! Tonight, at 7:00, we will be viewing DVD #4 in the series entitled “Israel’s Mission.” Kid”s Quest & Youth Group will also meet at 7:00 PM in Fellowship Hall. See you Tonight!



This Sunday we will be honoring America during our Worship Service at 10:15 AM. Join us as we sing songs about our Nation, Pray for our Nation & hear a Message entitled ” Blessed is the Nation.” Immediately following the service we will have a Church Wide Picnic in Fellowship Hall. Everyone should bring 2 items to pass. ( Main Dish & Salad or Dessert ). There will not be Sun School or an Evening Service this Sunday.



Please Pray for those impacted by last week”s Flooding. CLBC contributed $500 & the donation of many practical Items to the Union Mission to help families in need. Other’s from our Church have been able to help by serving at distribution centers & cleanup efforts & in other hands on ways.

Pray for those with physical needs including Dave Corbin (heart), Kelli Chattin (kidney), Allison Efaw (cancer), Rion Foster (cancer), Janet Gondak (cancer), Mae Harless (special needs), Donna Legg (cancer), Becky Rice (eyes), Ann Neidlinger (health),Nancy Young (health) and others in the Prayer Bulletin. I would also appreciate your prayers for my daughter Holly who will have Heart surgery in July, my mother who is recovering from a Stroke & also healing for my eyes after Laser surgery on both.

Pray for Gary & Pat Johnson who arrived in Kenya last week & are preparing to lead a mission team during July.

Pray that God’s people will give generously as we come to the end of the Fiscal year on July 31st. Currently we still need about $37,000 over the next month to meet our goal of $260,000 in the General Fund.


Trust in the Lord with all your Heart!  (Proverbs 3:5)