The music ministry is enhanced through vocal and instrumental solos and ensembles from gifted members of the congregation and occasional guest musicians. Musical accompaniment is provided by piano, organ, guitar, brass, bells, and tasteful accompaniment tracks.
CLBC Adult Worship Choir
The Worship Choir meets weekly to rehearse on Sunday afternoons at 5 pm. We are so blessed as a choir to have a great time of fellowship and camaraderie. We continue to grow in our musicianship as well as in our relationships with each other and in our relationship to the Lord. Choir rehearsal is a favorite time of the week that is lighthearted, positive, and affirming; and better yet, we regularly experience moments of true worship in the midst of our rehearsing.
The Worship Choir works on musical selections about eight weeks in advance of presentation. Of course, the fall and Christmas music is a busy time of preparation and so is the spring. In the summer, the choir goes into summer mode, with rehearsals for one hour only at 7 pm on Sundays, with a much lighter and easier, more familiar music selections. All those with an ability to sing are invited to attend a rehearsal.
Bells of Praise
The handbell choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings in the Fall, Winter, and Spring from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. The Bells of Praise are directed by Mrs. Jeanne Buckley and provide a variety of musical selections throughout the church year and for special occasions including, Patriotic services, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Missions, Easter, and Communion, etc.
Gospel Sing
Every year, usually the last Sunday in October, Cross Lanes Bible Church hosts a Friend Day that includes guest musicians that cap the day with a gospel music concert that evening. Previous guests include the Humphries, Jimmy McKnight, the Calvary Quartet, and Corey Hensley.