ATTENTION ALL MEN: Join us this Sat at 8:30 AM for a great time with other Christian men. We will be kicking off a new Bible study together using the book “Disciples Are Made-Not Born,” by Walter Henrichsen. This is a foundation book on being a Disciple of Jesus Christ & helping others become Disciples. In addition to our discussion we also pray together & enjoy food & fellowship together. Men, if you haven’t been attending Wallbuilders this would be a good week to give it a try!
Pasta Luncheon
This Sun, Feb 1, we will be holding our 2nd Annual Pasta Luncheon at CLBC. This Delicious meal is catered by Fazoli’s & hosted by our Deacon’s & their wives. Last year everyone had a wonderful time as we shared a meal & fellowship together & also found out more about the Deacon Flock ministry in our Church. This year promises to be as good or even better than last year. So, whether you are a long time member, occasional attender, or a visitor we invite you to come & enjoy Lunch this Sun at CLBC!
Ladies Morning Bible Study
A new session of the Ladies morning Bible Study will start Monday, Feb 9th at 9:30 AM. The Bible Study is a Beth Moore study entitled: God’s Dwelling Place……Then & Now. A sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board.
Histimers Activity
A Histimers activity is will be held on Tues, Feb 17th, at 12:30 PM. The luncheon will include soup, salad & dessert. Games & a Movie will follow the meal. Everyone attending is asked to bring one dish to the Luncheon.
See you soon at Cross Lanes Bible Church!