Honor to whom Honor is Due

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day! At CLBC we do it up right. Join us as we celebrate Mother’s Day by honoring the special Ladies in our lives during the Worship Service tomorrow morning at 10:15.

**All Ladies are encouraged to sing in the mass Women’s Choir that will sing a familiar Hymn during the Worship Service. Please meet in the Choir Room at 10:00 AM for a brief rehearsal.

**Three very fortunate Ladies will be recognizes & receive special gifts during the Service.

**All women of all ages – whether single, married, Mom’s or Grandma’s will get some delicious CHOCOLATE to take home with you after the Church Service.

SOOOO,,,,,,,Come out & Celebrate Mother’s Day tomorrow at Cross Lanes Bible Church! Sun School will be held at 9:00 AM, but there will be no Evening Service tomorrow.


Prayer Requests

Last Thurs several of us from CLBC attended the PRAYER RALLY at the State Capitol. Rev Franklin Graham challenged us to Pray for our Country. I am also challenging our Flock to Pray for the USA. Pray for the upcoming elections. Pray for all of our Public Servants. Pray for Revival in America!

Pray also for those with physical needs: Landon Boggess, Allison Efaw (cancer), Rion Foster (cancer), Becky Rice (eyes), Ann Neidlinger, Nancy Young & several others listed in your Prayer Bulletin.



The following students have recently graduated from College & are to be congratulated on a job well done!

**Marie Boyd – Masters Degree from University of Nebraska Omaha

**Anita Jones – BSN Nursing from University of Charleston

**Hunter Burdette – Liberty University (Jeanne Clark’s granddaughter

**Katy DeBord – Marshall University (Kendricks granddaughter)

**Morgan Lanham – Longwood University (Lanham’s granddaughter)

See you tomorrow morning as we celebrate Mother’s Day tomorrow at CLBC!!!