Change in Tomorrow’s Schedule

Due to the forecast of extremely cold temperatures we are cancelling Sunday School in the morning. WE WILL STILL MEET FOR OUR MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE AT 10:15. Bundle up & come out to this very important Service. Although cold outside your hearts will be warmed as we Worship the Lord together and hear a Message that revolves around our brand new THEME for 2018. The temperature will actually be moderating throughout the day tomorrow, so we will also plan to have Choir rehearsal at 4:45 PM & the Evening Service at 6:00 PM like normal.


Prayer Requests

Please pray Shaun Shamblin & his family. His Grandmother, Mary Williamson, went Home to Heaven Friday morning. Pray for the many listed in our Prayer Bulletin including Linda Robinson (heart), Rose Harrison, Ann Neidlinger (health needs), Robert Petry, Sr (stroke), Carlin Kendrick (flu), and many others suffering with illnesses, colds & flu.


Christmas Offering

Due to the cancellation of Services last week because of weather, we were unable to take our final Christmas Offering of the year. As of today we are only $2629 short of our goal of $20,000 for Global Missions. Please pray about this & come prepared tomorrow to help us meet our Christmas Offering goal.


See you tomorrow for our WORSHIP SERVICE at 10:15 AM at CLBC!