Sun, Dec 28th – Worship Service At 10:15 AM

I trust that you had a wonderful Christmas & that you are looking forward to The Lord’s blessings in 2015! Tomorrow, Sun, Dec 28th we will meet together at Cross Lanes Bible Church for one Worship Service at 10:15 AM. The message is entitled “Stepping Confidently into a New Year.” Join us for our last Service filled with Christmas music for this Christmas season. There will not be Sun School or an Evening Service tomorrow.

Christmas Offering

Our Christmas Offering stands at $8,692. Please pray & come prepared tomorrow morning to help us in reaching our goal of $22,000 for Global Missions & Our Capitol Projects Fund.

Prayer Requests

Continue to pray  for God’s Presence & Power upon CLBC as we enter 2015. Also pray for those with special physical needs like Tim Appleton, Jim Carr, Eli Klennert, Ann Neidlinger & others on our prayer sheet.

Have A Blessed New Year!