Fear Not!

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” (Ps 91:172) This morning another terror attack took place. This time the victims were innocent civilians in Brussels, Belgium. Several were killed & many were injured. Another ISIS attack could target America in the days ahead. Where can we go for protection? Where can we find safety in an evil world? The answer is found in the Bible. In times like these let us flee to the God of Heaven – our refuge & fortress!

Wed Evening

There will be something for the entire family once again tomorrow night. AWANA & Youth Group will meet at 6:45 & the Adults will be continuing our study of “The names of God” at 7:00 PM.


Join us for a wonderful day this coming Sunday as we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ at Cross Lanes Bible Church. The day kicks off with a delicious Breakfast at 9:00 AM in Fellowship Hall. Then at 10:15 AM we will worship the Risen Christ together with beautiful music &  a message from God’s Word. An Easter gift will also be given to those who attend the Worship Service. There will not be a service Sunday Evening.


Pray for everyone affected by the terrible attacks in Brussels. Pray for Kim Newman who is still in Saudi Arabia following the death of her husband 4 weeks ago. Pray for Dan Berger, Tamra Branks, Allison Efaw, Ann Neidlinger, Becky Rice, Nancy Young & others listed in the Prayer Bulletin.

God is our Refuge & Strength, a very present help in trouble!  (Ps 46:1)