The Triumphal Entry

Tomorrow we celebrate the Triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem which began his journey to the Cross. Join us at 10:15 AM for Worship & also at 9:00 AM for Sun School. During our Evening Service at 6:00 PM we will celebrate Communion as we prepare our hearts for the Celebration of the Resurrection next Sunday


On Sunday, March 27th, we will celebrate the most sacred day of the year for all Christians – EASTER! Plan to join us at CLBC as we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ together. At 9:00 AM we will have a delicious family Breakfast in Fellowship Hall. At 10:15 AM we will celebrate the Resurrection with beautiful music, Bible preaching & a Gift for each family to commemorate Easter 2016. Please be inviting family & friends to come with you to worship the Risen Lord at Cross Lanes Bible Church next Sunday.


There continue to be many who need the prayers of God’s people. Please pray for Kim Newman & family as they mourn John’s death 1 month ago in Saudi Arabia. Pray that Kim would be able to return to the USA soon. Pray for Pastor Jim & Suzy Efaw’s daughter-in-law, Allison, who is battling cancer. Pray for others in our prayer bulletin including Dan Berger,Tamra Branks, Ann Neidlinger, Joyce Lewis, Becky Rice, Nancy Young & many others with special needs.

Hosanna…….Hosanna… the King of Kings!