Pray for President Trump

Last night many of us stayed up very late to see who would be elected the 35th President of the United States of America. To many peoples amazement it was New York businessman Donald Trump who won the electoral college & became our President elect. In thinking about what happened yesterday my thoughts were drawn to Daniel 2:20 &21  “Blessed be the name of God forever & ever, for wisdom & might are His & He changes the times & the seasons. HE REMOVES KINGS and RAISES UP KINGS. He gives wisdom to the wise & knowledge to those who have understanding.”  Yes, God is in control of all ! At CLBC let us WORSHIP OUR SOVEREIGN GOD & PRAY FOR OUR PRESIDENT ELECT. May God bless President Trump & may God bless America!

Join us tonight at 7:00 PM as we pray for our new President together. AWANA & Youth Group will begin at 6:45 PM. We have found a vehicle for Chris Gardner to use on a temporary basis, so he will be ministering to our Teens this evening. I hope all our teens will come out tonight. Continue to Pray for a long term solution for his car needs.