Prayer Needed

As most of you know a powerful Hurricane is bearing down on the East Coast. The Carolina’s look like they will receive the brunt of the storm. Some of us have loved ones & friends who will be greatly impacted. Please join me in prayer for the safety & protection of those who will be affected.

Psalm 20:7 – “Some trust in in Chariots & some in horses: But we will trust in the name of the Lord our God.”

Pray also for our Upcoming Fresh Growth Conference with Ben Everson Oct 20-24 & FRIEND DAY on Oct 21st. Pray for those with medical neeeds including Darrell Ballard (cancer), Ken Jenkins (cancer), Ann Neidlinger (Eyes & health issues), Dave Romanko (eyes) & other’s listed in the Prayer Bulletin.


Wed Evening

Tomorrow at 7:00 PM we will continue our new series entitled “Majoring on the Minors.” We will be exploring the book of Hosea. AWANA will be at 6:45 for the children.


Never Forget!

Today marks the 17th Anniversary of the militant Muslim Terrorist attack upon America.on Tuesday, Sept 11th, 2001. Let us never forget the 3,000 lives that perished or the brave 1ST Responders who risked their own lives to save others. Let us seek the God of Heaven for protection for our military, police,fire fighters & all rescue workers. Let us as Christians seek the Lord & Pray for Revival in our Land. LET US NEVER FORGET!