Hurricane Matthew

As I write this Hurricane Matthew is pounding the South Eastern coast of the United States. Millions have had to evacuate Florida, Georgia, South Carolina & North Carolina. Pray for safety for those still in the area’s affected by the storm & also for those families, churches & businesses who have lost much in the path of destruction.


The School of Prayer

Join us tomorrow morning at 10:15 AM as we continue our study on Prayer from The Sermon on the Mount. There is so much for us to learn about God & how we should approach His Throne in this passage in Matthew 6. Sunday School is at 9:00 AM, Choir practice at 4:45 PM & the Evening Service is at 6:00 PM. During the Evening Service we will continue our study about Faith from Hebrews 11. I am told there will also be a special Pastor’s Appreciation Fellowship immediately following the Evening Service. A Thank You in advance to all who participate in this kindness on behalf of the Pastoral Staff.


Prayer Requests

Please pray for those with physical needs including Mike Oldham (motorcycle accident), Richard Whited (Brother of Virginia Cadd (kidney failure) and many others listed in the prayer bulletin. Pray for the upcoming Election. Especially pray for FRIEND DAY & invite your Friends & Family to come with you to hear the Gospel.


FRIEND DAY is Sunday, October 23rd!!!