Pray for our Friends & Neighbors

The state of West Virginia has experienced historic Flooding over the last few days. Over 20 people have died & many of our fellow West Virginians have suffered the loss of property & possessions. Some have lost virtually everything as homes have been flooded & destroyed. Please pray for those affected by this great Flood. Pray for protection & provision for our friends & neighbors during this challenging time in West Virginia. In times like these it is wonderful that we can claim the promise of Psalm 121 – “My help comes from the Lord who made heaven & earth!”


Sunday Services

We are grateful that Cross Lanes Bible Church was spared in the flooding. Some Churches in our area were not so fortunate. We will have our normal services tomorrow & Summer Choir will be at 7:15 PM.

Sunday School at 9:00 AM
Worship at 10:15 AM – Missionary Jim Wickline will be preaching. He & Annette have been our partners in spreading the Gospel in Australia for many years. They were members of CLBC before heading to the mission field
Evening Service at 6:00 PM – Pastor Jim Efaw will be preaching. Pastor Efaw ministered at CLBC for over 20 years. He recently retired from his pastorate in Denver, Co. We look forward to having him with us tomorrow night.


Prayer Requests

I appreciate your prayers for my eyes. On Thursday I had Laser surgery on my left eye & everything seems to be OK with that eye. My right eye still hasn’t returned to normal after Laser surgery last week. I would appreciate your continued prayers.

Pray for Dana Craigo & her family. Her Father, Charles Freeman, went home to Heaven Friday morning. Pray for David Corbin who is in the hospital in Morgantown with heart issues. Pray for Dave & Gail Fisher’s son Scott. He & his family suffered great losses during the flood. Pray for the following with physical needs -Debbie Barker (knee), Kelli Chattin (kidney tests), Allison Efaw (cancer), Janet Gondak (cancer), Donna Legg (cancer), Becky Rice (eyes), Ann Neidlinger (health), Nancy Young (health) and others on the weekly Prayer list.

Pray for our year end giving at CLBC. I am grateful that folks are praying & giving towards our General Fund needs. The truth is we still have a long way to go until we reach our budgeted giving goal of $260,000 by the end of our Fiscal year on July 31st. Let’s continue to Pray, Give & Trust God to supply all of our needs!


Pray without Ceasing!  (1 Thes 5:17 )