This weekend is a time to Remember & Reflect upon the brave men & women who were willing to sacrifice all for their country. As you fire up the grill & enjoy the start of Summer please pause to thank God for your freedom & for those brave American’s who died for your liberty. Freedom isn’t Free! REMEMBER!
Join us tomorrow at 9:00 AM for Sunday School & 10:15 AM for Worship. Immediately following worship we will enjoy a CLBC Picnic potluck in Fellowship Hall. Please bring a main dish & either a salad or dessert to share. Everything else will be supplied.
I have two personal requests – My mother, Beth Buckley, who lives in Florida will be having cancer surgery on Tues. My daughter, Holly Kehlenbeck, who lives in Texas is expecting a baby very soon. She has had some health problems during her pregnancy. Please pray for God’s protection & a healthy delivery for our 4th grandchild.
Please pray for the following with health related problems. Tim Appleton (cancer), Pat Johnson (cancer), John Jones (serious condition), Ann Neidlinger (broken wrist & health issues) & others on your bulletin prayer list.
Pray for Gary Johnson who is already is Kenya & the team, which includes Bonnie Leithman, who will be joining him soon.
On this Memorial Day weekend remember to pray for those serving our country in the military. this list includes Michael Guthrie, David Hourani, Geoffrey Hamilton, Jaime Hardin, Greg Iles, Eric Lanham & Alison Romanko.
Please pray for our Church finances as we enter the Summer months. We are about $10,000 below our budgeted General fund giving for the year & about $7,000 below our budgeted Missions giving. The Fiscal year ends July 31st.
Tomorrow…….. Remember……Reflect……get Refreshed….. in the House of The Lord!