A Special Day at CLBC

If you are like our family you have probably had enough Turkey, dressing & Pumpkin Pie for awhile. I love Thanksgiving leftovers – but enough is enough! During our Worship Service tomorrow at 10:15 AM we will not be serving up old & stale spirituality, but instead a vibrant Worship of the Lord which changes us from the inside-out! We will be blessed & challenged thru God honoring music, a special baby dedication & a message entitled Solus Christus (Christ Alone!). Sunday School will be at 9:00 AM & the Evening Service, with Pastor Jon speaking, will be held at 6:00 PM.


Prayer Requests

Pastor Mark & several members of our Choir are in New York City where they are preparing for a special concert at Carnegie Hall on Monday evening. Pray for the Lord to bless them thru this unique experience & to use them to impact the lives of many they come in contact with. Pray for those with physical needs listed on the Prayer Sheet in your Bulletin tomorrow. Pray for God’s work & blessing to be upon our Country & those who minister the Gospel around the Globe.


Bow the Knee in 2017