Worship & Annual Meeting:

Last January we revealed our theme for the new year – “STRIVING TOGETHER IN 2014!” On that Sunday morning our Banners were in place on the front walls & I preached a sermon on our new theme. So, eight months later, how are we doing? Join us tomorrow at 10:15 AM at Cross Lanes Bible  Church as we revisit our theme in the morning Worship Service. Tomorrow is also our Annual Meeting at CLBC, so the service will be abbreviated & we will go right into our meeting together. Everyone is welcomed at the service & all members of CLBC are encouraged to stay for the Annual Meeting. During the meeting reports will be given & budgets for the new fiscal year will be voted upon. Come & rejoice in God’s goodness & provision this past year & look ahead with us to the year to come. Sunday School will be held at 9:00 AM & a Communion service will be held as part of our evening service at 6:00 PM. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at CLBC as we revisit our theme for this year & enjoy God’s presence together!



Please pray daily for Cross Lanes Bible Church & the ministries of our Church which include Cross Lanes Christian School &  Bright Beginnings Preschool. Church ministries, which are about to begin a new ministry year, include Sunday School, AWANA, Jolly Seniors, Men’s & Women’s small group’s & Ladies Circles. Don’t sit on the sidelines. but  find your place at CLBC & get involved! Also, continue to pray for our  men & women serving in the military & those with special needs in our Church. A complete list is found on the back of your buletin & online. Have a great day & we’ll see you tomorrow at CLBC!