October is “STRIVING TOGETHER” month at Cross Lanes Bible Church
Sun, October 5th – Striving Together For Our CHILDREN. During the morning worship service we will be focusing upon the children’s ministries at CLBC.
Sun, October 12th – Striving Together For Our COUNTRY. Delegate Tim Armstead, the WV House Minority Leader & a strong Christian, will be sharing his testimony & challenging us to pray for our Land & it’s Leaders during the morning worship service.
Sun, October 19th – Striving Together For Our World. Missionary Cletis Titus (Jamaica) will be speaking at 9:00 AM, 10:15 AM & 6:00 PM.
Sun, October 26th – Striving Together For Our COMMUNITY. This is our annual FRIEND DAY celebration. The Humphreys Quartet will sing in our FRIEND DAY service at 10:15 AM & also at our GOSPEL SING at 6;00 PM. Begin now to invite Friends & Family to this special day. The Gospel will be presented lovingly & clearly to everyone who attends.
Wed, October 29th – This special month ends with a COMMUNITY OUTREACH we call “Crazy Hat & Socks Block Party.” This event is for the children of our community & will feature Inflatables, games, prizes & food.
All of these special events are designed to get people acquainted with CLBC & more importantly to share the GOSPEL with those around us. Please PRAY…….ATTEND……..INVITE A FRIEND!