Join us tomorrow at CLBC for Sunday School at 9 AM, Worship at 10:15 AM & Evening Service at 6 PM. During the morning worship service I will be preaching a sermon entitled “Spreading the Good News” from Acts 5. In the evening service Shaun Shamblin will be speaking. Summer Choir will be held at 7:15 PM.


PTL for sfaithful giving of God’s people at CLBC. Because of  your prayers & giving we are within striking distance of ending the Fiscal year in the black in the General Fund on July 31st. We need an Offering of $8,700 tomorrow  to meet that goal. Challenging, but certainly not impossible. Would you please pray about our need & come prepared tomorrow to give a special gift to the General Fund? If you are unable to be here tomorrow you can give online at www.crosslanesbible.org. You may also drop your gift by the office or mail it. All gifts must be given or postmarked by July 31st to count for this fiscal year. Thank you for your faithful support of your Church!




The back of your bulletin lists the names of several folks in our church family with special needs. Here are a few to keep in your prayers: Tim Appleton [cancer treatments], Ann Neidlinger [several health concerns], Dillon Stowers [Janie Jeffrey’s nephew recovering from serious car accident]. Keep the Johnson’s & Nordaas family in your prayers in Kenya. They return August 2nd. Also, pray for Cross Lanes Christian School as the 41st year begins in just 3 weeks. Please pray for our Adminisrator, Mr Riley & the faculty & staff as they prepare for the new year. Also pray that the Lord would give us more students enrolled by the start of the year to be blessed by the excellent christian education CLCS provides.