It’s Friday……but Sundays A Comin’
Today is the day that Christians traditionally remember the death of Jesus upon The Cross. We call today “Good Friday.” What is good is the fact that Jesus, the Son of God, bore our sins upon his own body on Calvary. He died that we might live eternally. He is the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel!
But…. Friday doesn’t end the story…….Sundays A Comin! On the 1st Easter Sunday Jesus conquered death & the grave! Because He Lives…..we can live eternally in Heaven ….we can have a real & vital relationship with God thru His son…..JESUS!
This Sunday celebrate the glorious Resurrection with us at Cross Lanes Bible Church! Come…….invite your Family…..invite your Friends! Experience the Easter Story afresh & anew!
Easter Breakfast will begin at 9:00 AM followed by our Easter Worship celebration at 10:15 AM.
Please pray for Dale Nichols who broke several ribs this week while visiting family in PA. Pray for others on our Church Prayer list.