Thanksgiving Services

As the Children of God we have so much to be thankful for! At Cross Lanes Bible Church we will be celebrating Thanksgiving all day tomorrow & also on Tuesday evening. At the 10:15 AM Worship Service we will sing songs of Thanks, the Bells of Praise & Adult Choir will be ministering in song & I will be preaching a message from the 100th Psalm entitled “A Thanksgiving Hymn.” During the Evening Service we will have a special Thanksgiving Communion Service. Sun School will also be held at 9:00 AM.

Tuesday, Nov 25th we will have a Family Praise Service in the auditorium at 7:00 PM. The whole family is welcomed as we enjoy singing songs of Thanksgiving & hear testimonies of praise from our Church family. There will not be any AWANA or Youth Group on Tuesday night & no events at all on Wed night.


Please pray for God’s Blessing, Provision & Power for CLBC. Pray for those on our Prayer list including Tim Appleton, Sue Forsbrey, Ivan Gillispie, Eli Klennert, & Ann Neidlinger.