
This Sunday during the 10:15 AM Worship Service we will continue our series from God’s Word entitled “Pursuing Heavenly Crowns.” This weeks message is “The Crown of Joy.” Join us as we Worship the Lord together as His Church. During the Evening Service we will celebrate Communion & also hear from Missionary to Thailand, Arug JugsuJinda. Sunday School for the entire family is at 9:00 AM & Choir practice will be held at 7:15 PM.


Special Events

Saturday, August 26th – CLBC Kids Activity (1st-6th grades) THE JUMP ZONE. The bus will leave at 11:00 AM & cost is $5.00.

The Histimers are also going to a concert on Saturday. The bus will leave the Church at 2:45 PM.


Prayer Requests

Please pray for Daad Hourani & family on the death of her father, Wadiah Istfan last Monday night. Pray for my mother, Beth Buckley, who was just moved into a Nursing Rehab facility in Seminole, Florida this week to help her in recovering from recent strokes & other serious health issues. Pray for the following listed in the Prayer Bulletin: Debbie Barker (upcoming surgery), Julie Hamilton (gall bladder), Harold longenecker, Ann Neidlinger, Nancy Young (serious health concerns), Dean Henson (stroke), Bill Morton, Rose Landers, Donna Legg (cancer) & others. Pray for our Country,State & Community. Pray for God’s blessing & provision on CLBC & our ministries this year.


Bow the Knee in 2017