Sunday Services

Tomorrow at CLBC we will have Sun School for all ages at 9:00 AM. At 10:15 AM we will we join for worship together & continue our study of Heavenly Crowns with a message from James 1 entitled “The Crown of Life.” Choir rehearsal will be at 4:30 PM. We will conclude our day of worship, fellowship & service with a Communion Service at 6:00 PM.

Special Event: There will be a Luncheon tomorrow to raise money for several of our Choir members to go to NYC in November to represent CLBC at a concert at Carnegie Hall. All donations for the meal will go toward this event. Plan to come for great food & fellowship.


Prayer Needs

Please pray for Charlene Carr & her family. Her sister, Vivian Newhouse, went to Heaven this past week. Also pray for Josh Blake & Laura Humphries & their families as their Uncle, Mike Baire, also died. Pray for those with physical needs including Arnold Shamblin (serious health needs), Glen Nida (hospital), Jeanne Buckley (broken foot), Daniel Mwinzi (cancer) and many others listed in the Prayer Bulletin. Pray for those recovering from the recent powerful Hurricanes that have impacted Texas & Florida,


Bow the Knee in 2017.