Tomorrow At CLBC
The Molding of God’s Man is the theme for our message from Acts 9 tomorrow in our 10:15 AM Worship Service. Join us as we see what happened to Saul of Tarsus after his miraculous conversion on the Damascus Road & who God used to help mold Saul into the great Apostle Paul. There will also be Believers BAPTISM & God centered Worship as we gather in Jesus name. At 9:00 AM we will join together for Sunday School & then again at 6:00 PM to worship, testify, study the Bible & especially to partake of COMMUNION.
THE FAMILY PROJECT begins tomorrow in The Marriage Builders Class [room #3] at 9:00 AM. The Family Project is a DVD based small group Bible study that teaches God’s design for marriage & the home. Come & learn more about how you can have a Thriving Family! This series is produced by Focus On The Family Ministries.
The Union Mission is presenting a Drama this Tues at the Charleston Civic Center’s Little Theater on the story of Gomer adapted from the book of Hosea. CLBC has sponsored a table. We still have a few tickets left for $25 each. Let me know tomorrow if you’d like to support the Mission by attending this event.
There is always much to pray about. Please keep our Church & it’s ministries [CLCS, Bright Beginnings etc] on your daily prayer list. Continue to pray that we would grow deep & strong as Believers & that The Lord would provide for us both Spiritually & Financially. Pray for Tim Appleton [cancer treatments], Sue Forsbrey [upcoming surgery], Ann Neidlinger [health concerns] & others you will find on the back of your Bulletin tomorrow. Also, keep in your prayers the leaders of our Nation & State & those from CLBC who serve in the military & law enforcement. [consult Bulletin for full list]. I would also appreciate your prayers for my son Jeremy as he & the 58Ten team travel back from Kenya today. They have had a fruitful & blessed trip!