Tomorrow at 10:15 AM we will be continuing our Preaching series from the life of Elijah with a message entitled “The Rain of Heaven.” Join us as we Worship the Lord & study His Word together. At 9:00 AM there is a Sun School class for everyone & at 6:00 PM we will have a Communion service. A Pastor’s Appreciation Reception is being planned after the evening service.
Please pray for Cross Lanes Bible Church & especially our members with physical needs – Pat Johnson, Ann Neidlinger, Becky Rice, Nancy Young & several others listed in your Church Bulletin.
Pray & Invite
In one week (Oct 25th) we will be celebrating Friend Day 2015 with a special service at 10:15 AM & a delicious Lunch afterwards. Please invite your Friends & Family to come with you! AWANA will be hosting Crazy Hat & Socks night outreach on Wed Oct 28th.