The Pain

As we travel the Road to the resurrection we will focus tomorrow upon THE PAIN! Before Resurrection there must be Death. Before Easter is Good Friday. During our 10:15 AM Worship Service we will be examining all that Jesus suffered for us on a Hill called Golgotha. Please make it a priority to join us as we Worship the King of Heaven & Embrace the Cross of Jesus together. Sun School will be at 9:00 AM, Choir Rehearsal at 4:45 PM & the Evening Service at 6:00PM>


Church Business Meeting – April 30th


The Deacon Board is recommending to the congregation that we call Jon Brokke as Youth & Children’s Pastor at CLBC. He will be candidating on Sun, April 23rd & a congregational vote will be taken on Sun, morning April 30th. Since Jon will also be teaching part time at CLCS, his salary will be shared between the Church & the School. The additional cost to the Church Budget for the 2017-2018 fiscal year will be about $15,000.


Church Family, we are in serious need of someone to minister to the Youth & Families of our Church & Community. The Deacon Board & I are excited about the possibility of Jon Brokke coming to CLBC to invest in the lives of our Young People. This will be a step of Faith, but one well worth pursuing. Let me encourage you to Pray about this opportunity & to get behind it with you Prayers & Support.


Bow the Knee in 2017