Worship Together
Tomorrow at CLBC we will continue our study of the book of Acts with a message entitled “Proclaiming the one true God” from Acts 17. This will take place during the 10:15 AM Worship Service. There is Sun School for the entire family at 9:00 AM. Due to Deacon Flocks there will not be an Evening Service tomorrow.
Deacon Flocks
Deacon Flocks will gather tomorrow for a time of Food & Fellowship & Prayer
**Carlin Kendrick/Dale Nichols flock will meet after the morning service at the Nichols home.
**Mark Higginbotham/Shaun Shamblin flock will meet after the morning service in Fellowship Hall.
**Ben Nordaas flock will meet next Sunday after the morning service in Fellowship Hall.
Upcoming Events
Ladies get your tickets tomorrow for the Mother/Daughter Lunch which will be held next Sat, May 2nd at 1:00 PM in Fellowship Hall. The theme is “Reflections Of A Lovely Lady” & will feature Kerrie Stinson as speaker. Tickets are $5.00 each. All Women & Girls are welcomed to attend!
Dispatches from the Front – Episode 8 :”No Regrets, No Retreat” will be shown next Sun Evening. May 3rd at CLBC.
Please continue to prayer for God’s blessing on the ministries of CLBC. Also, pray for Lauren Monk (hospital), Tim Appleton, Renee Bennett, Allison Efaw, Sue Forsbrey, Cathy Canterbury, John Jones, and others on prayer list.