Wed, Dec 10th
Tonight at 6:45 AWANA & Youth Group will meet in Fellowship Hall. At 7:00 Adults will meet in the back of the auditorium for Bible Study & Prayer. At 8:15 the CLCS Board will meet in room #3.
Thur, Dec 11th
Jolly Seniors will meet at 11:00 AM at on the CLCS campus for a delicious lunch & a Christmas program put on by the students of Cross Lanes Christian School.
Fri, Dec 12th
The Histimers will be leaving the CLBC parking lot at 6:00 PM to attend the “Walk thru Bethlehem Nativity” followed by food & fellowship at Gary & Pat Johnsons house.
Sat, Dec 13th
The Wallbuilders Men’s group will meet at 8:30 AM in room #3 at the Church.
This Sunday will be special as we continue to celebrate The Christ of Christmas at Cross Lanes Bible Church:
**SUN SCHOOL at 9:00 AM – Our Childrens SS Classes will be practicing for their Christmas Program in the auditorium. The Adult Auditorium class will move to Fellowship Hall. All others classes will meet in their normal rooms.
**WORSHIP at 10:15 AM – The morning Worship Service will again feature the music of Christmas. The Sermon is entitled ” Let the Journeys Begin” (pt 2) from Acts 13.
**SUN SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM at 6:00 PM. Bring the whole family for a special Christmas Program presented by the children of our Sunday School.
Christmas Offering
Please be much in prayer for our 2014 Christmas Offering at CLBC. This Offering is a very important part of our yearly stewardship to the Lord. This year we will be dividing the offering between Global Missionary support & the CLBC Capitol Projects Fund (to upgrade & repair our Church facilities & grounds). Currently about $1,500 has been given towards our $22,000 goal.
Please pray for Eli Klennert, the 2 year old grandson of Chuck & Vickie Klennert, who has brain surgury today & on Fri at the Michigan Children’s Hospital in Detroit. Also keep Tim Appleton, Sue Forsbrey, Ivan Gillispie, Ann Neidlinger, Victor Wise & the others on the list in your prayers.