Wed Events

Due to CLCS & many area schools being on Spring Break this week our Wed Night schedule has been adjusted. There will not be AWANA or Youth Group tomorrow Evening. Instead we will have one Service for the entire Family in the Auditorium at 7:00 PM. Chris Gardner will be speaking. Come & be Spiritually refreshed tomorrow evening!



This Sunday is Easter Sunday. It is that special day each year when we gather to  celebrate the Risen Christ! Our weekly schedule will be changed for this special day. Instead of Sun School we will have a delicious Breakfast for the entire Church Family at 9:00 AM in Fellowship Hall. At 10:15 AM we will Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus with Christ centered Worship, Singing & a message entitled “THE PRAISE !” Please plan to come Sunday & diligently invite others to come with you to hear the Resurrection Story & the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Prayer Requests

Please pray for our Church & Jon Brokke as we take a step of Faith & ask him to be our new Youth Pastor. The Deacon Board is recommending we take this step & a Congregational Business meeting is scheduled for Sun, April 30th to vote on this motion. Jon will be with us on Sunday, April 23rd so we can get to know him better..


Please pray for for those in our Flock with physical needs including Jim Carr (cancer), Valerie Dunbar (miscarriage), Michelle Roth (back surgery), Betty Starcher, Ann Neidlinger & Nancy Young (health concerns) & members of Sue Whittington’s family with cancer – Jimmy Landers, Rose Landers & Donna Legg.


Bow the Knee in 2017