Men’s Missions Breakfast

The men’s Missions breakfast is tomorrow at 8:00 AM at Golden Corral. Come enjoy food, fellowship & an opportunity to get to know some of our missionaries better. You can get tickets at the door if you haven’t bought them yet.


March for Missions

This Sunday during Sun School at 9:00 AM, the Worship Service at 10:15 AM & the Evening Service at 6:00 PM we will be focused on Global Missions. Our missionaries who will minister to us are Zane Bloom (South Africa) & Aruj & Patt Jugsujinda (Thailand). Come out & support Missions Conference 2018.


Spring Ahead

Don’t forget to set your clocks 1 hour ahead on Saturday evening before you go to bed as Daylight Saving time begins. We don’t want anyone coming late to CLBC on Sunday morning!