Christmas Worship

Join us tomorrow for our continued worship of Christ at Christmas. At 10:15 AM we will gather to uplift the Lord during our Worship Service. The music will all center on Christmas & the message will be a continuation of last weeks sermon – CHRISTMAS: The Word Became Flesh. At 9:00 AM is Sun School for the entire family. At 6:00 PM we will gather to sing favorite Christmas Carols & enjoy cookies & fellowship. Choir practice is at 4:30 PM.


Roger Nancarrow

Yesterday Roger Nancarrow had heart surgery. The doctor performed 5 Bypasses & said the surgery went well. Please pray for Roger as he recovers & rehabs from this serious operation.


December Events

**Dec 15 – Histimers Fellowship at the Johnson’s

**Dec 17 – Union Mission Food Distribution

**Dec 18 – CLBC Christmas Concert APPALACHIAN WINTER

**Dec 18 (PM) – Candlelight Communion

**Dec 21 – Family Service

**Dec 25 – CHRISTMAS SERVICE (10:15 AM)



Please uphold those in prayer with special needs. A full Prayer List can be found in our Sun & Wed Bulletins. Some on the list include Bert Flanagan (cancer), Roger Nancarrow (heart), Arnold Shamblin (serious health issues) & Randy Mcclain (heart).


Christmas Offering

Pray for & give towards our 2016 Christmas Offering. Our goal is $20,000 by Dec 31st for Missions.