For our encouragement from God’s Word today please read Galatians 5.

In Galatians 5:22 we read “But the Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace…….PATIENCE!”

PATIENCE…….I honestly admit that this pandemic has tried my Patience. I want it to be over with! I’m weary of hearing about the pain the Coronavirus has caused so many as I tune into the News daily. I’m frustrated by Social Distancing & Stay at at Home orders. I began writing these daily Devotional’s exactly 3 weeks ago today. At that time I really thought life would be back to normal by now. Yet, our lives are far from normal.

Question – How can I stay patient for the next month or so under these circumstances? How can we all become more patient today? The Answer is to live our lives under the control of the Holy Spirit. Today as we spend time reading the Bible & Praying let’s ask the Lord to give us the FRUIT OF PATIENCE! We certainly need it as we continue to strive to live our lives to the Glory of God in these challenging days.


APPLICATION: How has God spoken to you through His Word today? How will you apply these truths to your life?

I hope this devotional has blessed your life. If you have a special prayer request please call me at (304) 776-1619.

Have a “Patience Filled” day!

Pastor Dave Buckley