For our encouragement from God’s Word today please read Psalm 136.

In Psalm 136:16 The Psalmist referred to the Children of Israel & God’s love for them when he stated “To Him who led His people through the Wilderness, His Mercy endures forever.”

Do you feel like you are wandering through a wilderness today? Will this Pandemic ever end? Will the Lockdown ever be lifted? Will life ever return to normal? I do not know the answer to these questions – but God does! Psalm 136 tells the story of Israel’s journey. How the people wandered 40 years through the wilderness to a new home in Canaan. After each statement about Israel’s journey The Psalmist reminds God’s people that “His Mercy & Grace endures forever!”

Yes, my friends, the road we are all traveling is often difficult & discouraging. Yet, we must remember that the Lord has not forsaken His people. He is walking right beside us today. Let’s always remember that His Mercy……..and His Love…….endures forever. He will carry us through!

APPLICATION: How Has God spoken to you through His Word today? How will you apply these truths to your life?

I hope this devotional has blessed your life. If you have a special prayer request please call me at (304) 776-1619.

Have a “Mercy Filled” day!

Pastor Dave Buckley