For our encouragement from God’s Word today please read John 13.

In John 13: 34 & 35 Jesus instructs…..NO COMMANDS……His Disciples to Love one another! Why? Because Love is foundational to everything else we do as followers of Christ. As we look at our world today we don’t see a lot of Love. People attack & hurt each other. People slander & malign each other. Genuine Love is not very evident. But the Lord has given us a better way – the way of Love. That Love flows out of our relationship with Jesus Christ. In fact, the only way we can truely love others is through the matchless Love of Calvary. May we Love others, because Christ first Loved us. May we be a picture of Love today to a world that desperately needs to experience the Love of Christ!

APPLICATION: How has God spoken to you through His Word today? How will you apply these truths to your life?

I hope this devotional has blessed your life. If you have a special prayer request please call me at (304) 776-1619.

Have a “Love-Filled” day!

Pastor Dave Buckley