For our encouragement from God’s Word today please read 1Samuel 16: 14-23.

In 1Samuel 16 the Bible tells us that whenever King Saul had a troubled heart that David would play his harp for him. Listening to the Shepherd boy’s music would refresh Saul & the distressing spirit would leave him. How thankful I am for the calming effect of good music upon the heart & mind.

Let me encourage you today to turn off the news & tune in to the Lord. Spend time in the Bible & Prayer, but also listen to music that lifts up Christ. In Ephesians 5:19 the spirit filled Believer is to “sing Psalms & Hymns & Spiritual Songs unto the Lord.”

As Jeanne & I have listened to beautiful Christian music this past week it has lifted our spirits & brought Peace to our hearts. Let God speak to you through His songs today just like he did for King Saul when David played his harp.


(Lyrics to a song sung by Steve Green)

Rest, the Lord is near, refuse to fear, enjoy His love.

Trust, His mighty power fills every hour, of all your days.

There is no need for needless worry, with such a Savior you have no cause to ever doubt. His perfect Word still reassures in every trial.

Call Him if you grow frightened. Call Him with loving care. He’ll lift your burden and you’ll …..REST!

APPLICATION: How has God spoken to you through His Word today? How will you apply these truths to your life?

I hope this devotional has blessed your life. If you have a special prayer request please text or call me at (304) 776-1619.

Have a “Music Filled ” day!

Pastor Dave Buckley