
This evening at 7:00 PM we begin a new Series entitled: “Twelve Men who changed the World.” Join us as we begin an examination of the lives & ministries of the Disciples. AWANA & Youth Group will meet in Fellowship Hall at 6:45 PM. There will be a Deacon’s Meeting at 8:15 PM in Room #3.


Upcoming Events

**Histimers activity tomorrow at 11:00 AM. Eat Lunch together & visit the Train Master’s House in Kenova.

**Life Chain will be held on Sun, Oct 2nd from 2:00 – 3:00 PM.

**Baptismal Service on Sunday morning, Oct 2nd.

**ABC Ladies Fall Luncheon is on Sat, Oct 8th.



Pray for Eddie Riley as he undergoes surgery this afternoon for kidney Stones. Pray for the following with physical needs: Renee Bennett (recovering from surgery), Beth Buckley (stroke), Allison Efaw (cancer), Janet Gondak (cancer), Donna Legg (cancer), Becky Rice (eyes), Janice Tyler (recovering from surgery), Ann Niedlinger (health), Nancy Young (health) and others listed in the Prayer Bulletin. Please continue to pray for healing for my eyes. Pray for wisdom in this new ministry year for our Pastoral Staff & Deacon Board. Pray for our military & all Police, Fire Fighters & First responders.



Congratulations to Lt Col Eric Lanham on his Retirement after 30 years of service to our country! He is the son of Sam & Rae Lanham.


Friend Day is Sunday Oct 23rd