Looking Back & Looking Ahead

This Sunday morning will be special at Cross Lanes Bible Church. At 10:15 we will gather for an abbreviated Worship Service followed by our Annual Meeting for all members. Although the 1st part pf the Service will be pared back I will still be preaching from God’s Word. The Message will be a look back at our yearly theme “UNASHAMED in 2018.” When the service is completed we will immediately go into our Annual Meeting. During the Annual Meeting we will rejoice in the Lord’s blessings & provisions over the past ministry & fiscal year & look ahead to the year before us. Church budgets & Deacon nominations will be voted on by our congregation. Please come Sunday with a prayerful & expectant heart as Cross Lanes Bible Church gathers to exalt & praise God for His goodness to us!


Please pray for Dave Romanko who is recovering from Laser Surgery for torn Retina’s in both eyes. Pray for other’s listed in the Prayer Bulletin