This evening there is something for the entire family at CLBC! At 6:45 Awana & the Youth Group will meet in Fellowship Hall. The Adults will gather in the sanctuary to hear Missionary Deon Rensburg share his call to the country of South Africa. There will be nursery for babies & toddlers.
This Sunday, Sept 27th, we will be returning to our study of the life of Elijah during the 10:15 AM Worship Service. At 6:00 PM we will be celebrating Communion. Also. don’t forget Sun School & Adult Bible Fellowships at 9:00 AM.
Don’t forget to pray for the following with physical needs: Ariel Baldwin (encephalitis), Rita Guthrie (health concerns), Pat Johnson (chemo), Ann Neidlinger (health concerns), Becky Rice (eyes), Nancy Young (health concerns). Other Prayer requests will be in tonight’s Prayer Bulletin. Join us as we gather this evening as a Church family in Prayer.