With the Lord
Walter Dudley, long time member of CLBC, was taken Home to Heaven earlier this week. Please pray for his wife Lillie & the rest of his family. Arrangements have not yet been finalized.
Please pray for Rob & Jennifer Petrey’s 11 year old niece, Ariel Baldwin. She is being treated at the Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh for Encepalitis. She is a very sick girl. Pray also for Pat Johnson (chemo), Ann Neidlinger (Health), Becky Rice (eyes), Nancy Young (health) & others in the Prayer bulletin.
Bring the entire family to Cross Lanes Bible Church this evening for AWANA & Youth Group at 6:45 & Adult Bible Study at 7:00. Tonight we will continue our study of the names of God by examining YAHWEH.
Upcoming Events
If you didn’t get a CLBC calendar for September be sure to pick one up & take note of the many opportunites for ministry & fellowship this month. Among the events listed are the start of Jolly Seniors (9/10), Histimers activity (9/11), Union Mission Sunday w/ Rex Whiteman (9/20), start of Ladies Bible Studies (9/21) & other weekly events.
Sunday Worship
Although it’s only Wed please begin to focus your hearts & minds on the upcoming Lord’s Day at CLBC. Please pray for God to meet with us as we praise His name together & continue our study of Elijah the Prophet. Sun School will be held as usual, but there will not be an Evening service due to the Labor Day Holiday. Enjoy the afternoon & evening with your family.